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  • Writer's pictureLianne Writer


Updated: Mar 30, 2022

Dystopian Novel - Society Rebuilt after the Zombie Apocalypse.

Several novels are coming your way from the mind of Lianne Writer. One of which is the much anticipated, Panacea.

Joanna, or Jo, the only immune found since the zombie apocalypse, has rebuilt society for the humans left alive. From her all cures are made, and rehabilitation is possible. Their flagship city, Panacea, is the beacon of hope for all left in Gaea, what was once North America. She is the only hope for Tom, a young man with a viral strain from the Bio-Wars Jo thought she had destroyed.

A character driven zombie apocalypse novel.

Backed by Science

Writer lives by the philosophy, "Make it work, and you make it real." Which to a lot of Instagram influencers might use for their next affirmation go-to reel sound. But for Writer, this means making the story as realistic as possible so the reader can sit back from the page and think, "Wow, that could actually happen." In this endeavor, Writer researched several types of viruses (pre-pandemic. Timing was scarily accurate), and when her prime Zombie Virus was built, cures and all, she decided that wasn't enough. She reached out to a viral expert for his opinion on her virus and treatments. Even he was impressed with her research. "At first I thought she was writing a theoretical journal article. Her research was so detailed and accurate. It was a great meeting of the minds."

The world Writer has created is like nothing I've ever seen! If I took a time machine to go to the future, I'd want to go to Writer's future in Panacea. This marble city has flying cars called, PODs, fitted with all kinds of high-tech features. The main roadways are the skies, leaving the walkways below for people. Between the water features and marble streets, fruit trees and bushes space out every ten feet for anyone in the area. Imagine walking down the street and pulling a bunch of grapes right off the branch.

One thing that struck me as I read this novel is the culture created here. The environment for these damaged people is in essence one thing, safe. After a decade of fighting off "zombies", they finally live in a place of beauty and healing. So when those tragedies catch up to them, they're able to let go in an act they call, Expression. There's a touching scene in which a man breaks down and screams in agony, in the middle of the street. Those around him stop and allow him space and time to get it out. He falls to his knees, he cries, he expresses his emotions to the fullest. When he's done, the people around him help him stand, and offer water, tissues, a snack, something to help him continue on his day. This man has trouble moving forward, so they hug him, and another person reaches out, putting their hand on his shoulder. Another reaches out, and another. Soon, almost every person in the walkway is connected. It's comforting and safe. Not one person is worried about someone stealing from their purse. They're worried about their fellow human being. I've never seen anything like it.

This novel has a deep, rich history that is revealed as we move forward with the characters in their own struggles and triumphs. We're able to get an in depth look at their life. It's captivating. Panacea reads like a blueprint for the future.

Read the First Two Chapters Here

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Blog Author - Megan Meyers; 2022

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